The Greenhouse

Flashing a dazzling smile across his face, Allen answered, "It depends on who my client is. If we are talking about special services? I'm only offering it to you!"

Allen winked at Violet, and it annoyed her.

'How shameless!'

Glaring at him, Violet wondered how many women Allen had lured in here already. There's no gossip about it, but the way he acted, he seemed like a gigolo—an expert in seducing a woman.

Thinking about this, Violet's exquisite face soured. With a stone face, she asked Allen coldly.

"President Williams, what are you doing? You know you are meeting a client today, right?"

"I'm sorry, love! I was informed late. I should have set my alarm clock and woken up early to receive you."

Allen smiled, not feeling guilty since Violet didn't catch him red-handed, that he firmly instructed Laney to leave immediately once he dropped Violet at his doorstep so he could freely make up a story like the one he had just told her.

If Laney witnessed all his lies, he would definitely vomit blood like Randy the robot.

The nanny robot was peeking from the corner, listening to his master flirting with Keisha's mother.

'So that was her!'

Randy was excited to meet Violet, the reason he could not tackle the urge to take a peek. Now he witnesses how such a shameless person his creator was.

Randy the Robot shook his head. He could not stomach how a liar his creator was. The truth is, he was actually woken up by this man too early this morning to be an accomplice in a scheme against Keisha's mom.

'Heh. I better check on Keisha. Maybe she is awake now. I don't want to hear more lies from this pitiful Loverboy.' Leaving, Randy the Robot murmured to himself.


Listening to Allen, Violet raised a brow. She looked up at the sky, then shifted her gaze to the shameless man in front of her. She pursed her lips.

"President Williams, it's noon, yet you're still sleeping?"

It was apparent in her tone that she was mocking him. Like her dad and grandfather, the people in business woke up early to start their work. But in Allen's case, a person like him should not be called a businessman being this lazy.

On the other hand, Allen ignores Violet's ridicule. The smile on his lips didn't disappear; instead, it broadened as he explained.

"Well, I heard you need the result as soon as possible. Thus, I stayed up late till this morning to complete my report and discuss it with you anytime."

'Now it was my fault why didn't he get enough sleep?' Violet frowned, scrutinizing Allen.

Indeed, she noticed some dark circles around Allen's eyes. And she confirmed she requested Mike to get the result of the investigation as soon as possible. But she did not expect Allen to handle her case.

Then Allen knows now that someone wants her dead.

"Why don't you come in first? Allen's invitation, cutting off her train of thoughts. "Lemme take a quick shower and have breakfast."

Violet sized up the guy, scanning him from his toe to his head. Then she glanced at her bracelet, indicating the time—forty-five minutes past nine o'clock.

'How late did he stay up last night?' Violet tried to conceal the doubts in her heart. She was already fretting over too much when her morning just began. If she spent another hour getting angry, she could feel that she would die young, where her heart was full of grievances toward Allen.

"Alright. Let me hear it after you put on some clothes." She muttered as she passed Allen.

She is not that snobbish person. She also knows how to lower her pride.

"Please, have a seat."

Violet lowered her gaze at the couch Allen offered her. She sat down and then wandered her eyes to the spacious living room. Other than the love seat, the only furniture is a center table and tall green plants on her right side.

She was speechless but didn't show her curiosity. She just convinced herself that Allen, as a scientist, was tidier than other doctors. Most of their laboratory was messy, leaving many things around the place.

But she was impressed that Allen's laboratory was blindingly clean and that even the corner was glowing.

"What do you like to drink?"

Violet snapped herself from the dazedness when Allen spoke to her. She blinked her eyes and focused on the man standing in front of her. Just then, she noticed Allen was leaning slightly.

She subconsciously buried her body in the love seat, questioning him, "What are you doing?"

She glared at Allen, who was looking at her intensely. After a moment of wondering, Allen flashed a smile.

He replied, "I'm asking if you want tea or coffee, perhaps?"

"Then, do you need to speak so close to me?" she snapped to cover her panic.

Allen saw how defensive Violet was against him. So he explained gloomily. "You didn't seem to hear me, so I leaned over and repeated my question."

'Ugh! Why did I zone out?' Violet berated herself.

Allen understood Violet was constantly raising her guard around him. He pulled himself up and straightened his back. He ignored the pain in his heart.

Smiling at Violet, he queried, "I'm making my breakfast. Would you care to join me?"

"I'm good. Dad and I had one before coming to the city."

"Ah. Okay!" Disappointment flashed in Allen's eyes, but he didn't make it visible in front of Violet. "How about fresh juice?"

Violet stared at Allen's broad back, facing a wall while typing something on his phone.

Soon, she heard a hovering sound. The wall went down, and a kitchen appeared in her sight.

Then, the beautiful scenery outside the window in the kitchen caught her full attention.

Allen turned around when he heard no reply from Violet. He caught her in a trance while looking out the window.

"Ah. Would you prefer to sit outside?"

Violet finds herself nodding at Allen's query. Allen pressed something on his phone, and the sliding glass door opened.

Violet strode toward the balcony and sat on one of the dining chairs.

She was somewhat amazed. The scenery she was looking at was actually a massive greenhouse. She looked up and found some devices that controlled the temperature in the whole place.

It was strange. Looking outside, she had never noticed a greenhouse around here. Then, the woods must be just a camouflage. But why does Allen want to hide this place?

She turned around and looked at Allen with bright eyes. She queried, "This is?"

Allen replied with a smile, amused at how it brightened Violet's face upon seeing his greenhouse. "Some of my studies. Almost here are the rarest plants on our planet that I am trying to breed to continue their species."

At that moment, Violet sees Allen in a different light.