Locked Up

That night, Violet had problems falling into slumber. She kept tossing and turning on the king-size bed; sometimes, she would sit up and move to the side again. 

She was in great turmoil after she saw the marriage contract Allen had left in her bedroom. He was offering her a marriage so that they have legal documents to show when someone questions her about being a legit Mrs. Williams. 

Well, she need not go to the bottom of this matter. She could already see clearly that it was one of Allen's tricks. He is just using the situation so that she would sign the contract.

"Is this the start of why Allen and I have children in the future?"

She could not help wondering. After she glimpsed her future, she often mulled over her head how she and Allen became a couple.

She constantly ponders over it, how she would fall in love with him, to the point they become husband and wife and then have children. 
