Allen's Grief

Allen rushed to catch Violet before her body touched the ground. He held Violet tight in his arms, picked her up, then carefully placed her on the bed.

"What do you feel, love?" Allen asked Violet worriedly; however, Violet was entirely out of consciousness.

Allen brings out his computer and types something on it. Soon, Violet's bracelet lights up from green to blue. Then Flora appeared. 

[Hello, Doctor Williams.]

"Flora, I want you to give me a report of Violet's health condition."

[Began scanning Mrs. Williams's body. There are no abnormalities found. Everything is normal, Doctor Williams, including Mrs. Williams's body temperature.]

"Then what's wrong with her? What's the cause that she fainted? How about the alcohol she consumes tonight?"

[In my evaluation, the alcohol does not cause Mrs. Williams to lose consciousness.]