Move To The Villa

Randy tugged the corner of his mouth and ignored Sarah until they reached the 48th Floor. He stepped out of the elevator, pulling Sarah behind him. 

Meanwhile, seeing the guy's reaction, Sarah was in great turmoil, racking her head on how to get away from this crazy act she was playing. She mused, 'It seemed like I was tricked instead!' 

"You can't do this, Randy!" Sarah's round eyes grew wider after a huge rock fell on her head. 'Is he deliberately started this act because he plans for something?' And whatever it was, Sarah had no idea. 

"Which room are you in?" Instead of replying, he queried Sarah, staring at her flustered face with a grin. 

"Humph!" Sarah scowled and walked forward. However, Randy was only stalling behind her, so she needed to pull him to walk faster. The guy was actually heavy; this upset her. "Could you release my hand now? There is no one we should show our fake relationship to! Besides, you were heavy!"