Bloody Christmas

Alita picked another candy from the box after unwrapping and throwing one into her mouth. Her eyes lightened up as the flavor burst in her tongue.

"Try this, it tastes like watermelon." She said, excitedly as she passed the newly picked candy to her sister.

"Watermelon?" Alexa asked and Alita nodded. "I have not had candy that tastes like watermelon before," Alexa added. She unwrapped the candy and threw it in her mouth. 

"You're right. It does taste like watermelon." Alexa commented as she sucked on the sweet. Alita nodded her head, smiling brightly.

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right." Alita brags and Alexa rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." Alexa muttered. "Leave the candies alone. Aunt Cici will soon be here and the cookies should be ready before then." Alexa sounded annoyed. Alita liked to play around, even when they were engrossed in serious work. Not that she was complaining as Alita had always been the cheerful and carefree one, but sometimes it irks her, especially when they had a deadline to beat.

She moved to the sink to wash her hands while Alita waltz her way to the oven to take out the last batch of cookies.

"Why isn't she here yet? She usually comes earlier than this." Alita complained. 

"Something must have held her up. She'll be here." Alexa assured her sister as she wiped her hands on her yellow apron.

Their aunt Cici is their father's only sister, who took over the role of a mother in their lives when they lost theirs. They don't remember much of their mother as they were still very young when she died. 

Just then, the door to the kitchen flew open, and a woman in her late thirties walked in. She had wavy blond hair, blue eyes, a bright smile on her face, and arms wide open.

"Where are my favorite twins in the world?" She asked, her voice sounded like a sweet melody to the ears of the girls.

"Aunt Cici!" Both girls screamed at the same time. Alita was the first to run into her aunt's embrace, followed by Alexa.

"Ohh I missed you girls so much." Aunt Cici commented, squeezing a little harder before releasing the girls from her embrace. She looked at their faces and smiled. They look like one person except for the color of their eyes which is the only way to differentiate them. Alexa had blue eyes like her father, while Alita had grey eyes just like her mother.

"I thought you wouldn't make it today." Alita spoke up and her aunt's brows shot up.

"And miss spending Christmas with you bunch of sweetness? No way, sweetie." Aunt Cici responded, causing the girls to giggle.

"Is uncle still coming tomorrow?" Alexa asked.

"Of course, he'll be here tomorrow." Aunt Cici answered. Her eyes moved across the kitchen before it came to settle on the girls again.

"Are the cookies ready?" She asked.

"Yes!" The girls squealed and the older woman used her fingers to cover her ears. The girls laughed heartily while their aunt shook her head.

"Good. Let me go see your father." She said and exited the kitchen.

"Come on, let's clean this place up. It will soon strike twelve." Alexa pulled her sister when their aunt left the kitchen.

Cici moved with calculated steps toward her brother's office. She already knew where he would be and it was very easy to locate the office as the house wasn't too big.

The building was a cozy little two-bedroom bungalow, located on the outskirts of Lava town. There was an office inside, a kitchen, and two bathrooms ensuite.

Even though the town was a better place to live, her brother had chosen the secluded part of the town for reasons only a few people knew.

"I hope you are not working today, Edward?" Aunt Cici asked with a disapproving look on her face when she got to the girls' father's office.

"Cici! You made it." Edward moved to wrap his sister in a hug. When he eased back to look at her, the look on her face didn't change one bit.

He chuckled. "No work today, Cici. The girls made sure of it. I just came to get their presents." He cleared the air and the look on Cici's face changed into a smile.

"Perfect. I already dropped mine under the tree. I can't believe they will turn sixteen next month. Let's go to the sitting room. It's almost time." Cici said and they moved to the sitting room.

Back in the kitchen, the girls just finished cleaning up when the hand of the clock struck twelve.


"Merry Christmas, Alexa."

"Merry Christmas, Alita."

They wished each other at the same time, their voice almost sounding like a screech due to their excitement.

"Merry Christmas everyone in Lava town." Alita screamed through the kitchen window.

"No one will hear you," Alexa informed her with a frown. She does this every Christmas even though she knew they were far from the town.

"I don't care." Alita shrugged. The next second, her face brightened up. "Let's go wish dad and aunt Cici."

Alexa carried the baked cookies while Alita carried the drinks and candies as they half-ran to the sitting room.

"Merry Christmas, dad. Merry Christmas, aunt Cici." They chorused, the smile on their faces as bright as the sun.

The atmosphere in the house became warm and cheerful as the girls took turns in hugging their father, and everyone sat down to enjoy the cookies. They listened to their aunt as she told them funny stories about her time in the military camp.

Twenty minutes later, the peaceful atmosphere turned chaotic when an alarm went off in the house. Everyone became alert except for Alita, who looked rather confused.

"What's that?" She queried as she had never heard anything like that before. When she turned to her father with questioning eyes, the look she saw on his face made her frown. She became even more confused when she saw the same expression on her aunt's and sister's face.

"What's going on?" She asked apprehensively, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Alexa and Alita, to the secret passage. Now." Their father instructed in urgency. He gave Alexa a look and she nodded. Immediately, she took Alita's hand and pulled her.

"Let's go." She whispered.

They ran to the back of the house, into a secret room that Alita never knew existed. The door they just went through was a wall... at least that was what she believed it to be until now.

Inside the dimly lit room, there were three computers, a long table, and three office chairs. Alexa let go of Alita's hand after making sure the door was properly shut and she moved toward the table. She punched some keys on the computer in the middle, and a view of what was happening in the sitting room came up on its screen.

"What is happening, Alexa?" Alita asked again. She was confused about how Alexa seemed to know something which she didn't. They don't hide things from each other so she didn't know what to make of this situation.

Alita's eyes stretched wide when she saw her father holding a gun while her aunt had a crossbow in her hand. They both stood as if they were waiting for someone to break in so that they can start shooting.

Before Alexa could respond to her question, they saw the front door fly into the house with great force, barely missing their father. A gasp escaped out of their lips when their aunt released the first shot and the man by the door dropped dead.

"Vampires." Alexa gasped, visibly shaken. She had been told lots about these creatures but had never come across one until now. Her father and aunt had prepared her for this day, but now that it was happening, fear made her forget all the instructions she was given.

Alita frowned when she heard what her sister said. "What are you saying, Alexa? Vampires don't exist." She said but Alexa was too shaken to argue.

"You'd be surprised." She simply said and truly, the next second, Alita was surprised. No... Not surprised, shocked. Four men suddenly entered the house but that was not what shocked her. It was their speed. They were so fast, that her eyes couldn't keep up with their movements.

Alita's heart dropped when one vampire slapped away the crossbow her aunt held and wrapped his hand around her neck in a tight grip. A scream erupted from Alita's mouth when his claws elongated and he dug his hand into her chest, killing her instantly.

One of Alexa's hands flew to her mouth to stop herself from screaming and she covered Alita's mouth with her other hand to hush her. Even though she had been prepared for this, this was too much for her to handle. She knew it was going to be much worse for Alita, who had no clue whatsoever about what was happening.

The vampire who killed their aunt was shot by their father but in turn, the other vampire caught hold of him.

"Don't look." Alexa said and quickly covered Alita's eyes. She immediately remembered the instructions she was given, but one of the things which she wasn't supposed to allow, had happened already. Alita already witnessed the death of her aunt, at the hand of a vampire. Alexa turned Alita away from the screen, leading her toward the other end of the room. "We need to leave here now."

Alita said nothing. She couldn't bring herself to utter any word. She quietly watched as Alexa picked up some things around the room, taking a medicine bottle last.

"Drink this. All of it." Alexa brought the bottle to Alita's lips and Alita opened her mouth, swallowing the entire content of the bottle. The liquid tasted bitter and somewhat acidic, but she couldn't complain. "It will help you recognize vampires faster," Alexa told her.

"Where's yours?" Alita asked.

"I already had mine. Let's go." Alexa replied.

The two girls went through another door that led to the forest. They began to run as fast as their legs could take them, which wasn't very fast considering the snow that covered the forest ground.

When they had run quite a distance into the forest, Alexa suddenly fell. "Ahhh!" She screamed out in pain. She had stepped into a hole and something sharp pierced her foot.

Alita, who was in front, stopped running. She came back to the spot where her sister fell. She grabbed Alexa's wrists and tried pulling her up, but the latter only screamed more in pain. "I think my leg is stuck." She spoke through gritted teeth.

Alita moved towards her sister's legs and started to dig the snow around the leg which was stuck.

"I think they are following us. Run, Alita. Run and don't look back." Alexa huffed for air as she spoke. It seemed her scream had alerted the vampires.

"No. I'm not leaving you," Alita responded. After her aunt, Alexa was the next person she saw as a mother figure. Though they are twins, Alexa had always been the more mature and stronger one.

"Who said you should leave me?" Alexa asked. She dipped her hand in her jean pocket and pulled out the card and wads of cash she had taken from the secret room. "Take it and run. Go get uncle. Don't worry, I'll hide until you come back. Go now." She urged. Her voice effectively conveyed the urgency of the matter and Alita nodded.

She ran faster than she was running before, but she didn't go far when she heard her sister's scream. Her heart dropped and she halted.