Stay away from me

Kayla suddenly dropped the shovel when she heard Alita telling her to run. Her eyes were already wide in shock as she realized that the man did not move an inch even after two hits with the shovel. She had made sure to hit as hard as she could, but to her surprise, the man was still standing.

The moment the man turned around to face her, she instinctively stepped back. Oh no... She was in big trouble... How the hell was he able to withstand... Oh dear lord...

From behind, Alita jumped on the vampire and wrapped her arms tightly around him with all the strength she could mister, effectively stopping him from raising his arms for the moment. This way she could buy Kayla some time to escape.

"Leave this place now, Kayla. RUN!!!" Her voice boomed as she screamed with all she had for Kayla to get the message.