It's not working

"I can't reverse the transformation. I only paused it. Any more trigger and there will be no going back." Nana announced.

"Are you saying that Axel can't come near her again?" Asher asked, alarmed. That would be the most devastating news to Axel. He would just go crazy.

"I didn't say that. The venom has already been triggered so he will not affect her anymore. I'm talking about physical or emotional triggers." She walked out of the room after that, leaving Asher alone with Alita.

Her entire day was ruined already even though it was still morning. It pained her to the bone that she just lost her chance of ruining the lives of the creatures who ruined hers. 

But she had one consolation. Sooner or later, the venom will be triggered again because there was no way they could stop that from happening. Something must trigger it again and then she would laugh in the faces of her enemies.