Less than a second

The last three days were officially added to the list of Alita's best days. True to his words, Axel had taken her away from the island and instead of teleporting like he was used to, she had requested they go by boat. 

As expected, he obliged, and to her surprise, in less than two hours, there was a boat waiting at the shores for them. Not just any boat, it was a yacht, which she later came to know was owned by him. The information didn't surprise her much as if he could own an island, what was a yacht?

They had spent three days instead of the two she had earlier requested, and if she had not asked for them to go back, they may have stayed away even longer.

She utterly enjoyed herself on those three days, however, only the second day gave her immense pleasure and peace. If all her days were like the second day, her life would have been the most wonderful and she would have nothing to worry about.