Take off your mask

"Your uncle is in there. Stay inside and don't come out unless you are asked to." Asher instructed when he got to the room where uncle Ben, Sienna, and Fred were. He stood by the closed door, not making any move to open it and only nodding his head toward it to indicate which door he was talking about.

"Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?" Alexa fired at him, making his brows crease and the side of his lips twitch in annoyance. The next second, he walked away from there without looking back. She was getting on his nerves, and he wasn't ready to deal with that.

Another eye-rolling scene greeted his sight when he returned to the part of the dungeon where Zica and Axel were. They were glaring at each other and no one was showing signs of backing down.

"What is going on? I thought we came here for a reason." Asher asked tiredly as he leaned against the wall. Their constant disagreement was giving him a headache.