Chapter 60 - Power of bigger wallet

Seeing all sorts of promotions and shenanigans, one might wonder was this Gamechanger really world's richest man's child. The answer was categorically no. Infact, the budding geniuses of world's richest families made even less noise than the security guy standing behind Gamechanger, protecting his character's body. So who was this Gamechanger?

He was once renowned financial genius. He made his 1st million at age of 10, his 1st billion by 14. And he lost his ability in an accident at age of 16. Now, if he had to think hard, he would lose few months of his life. Compared to living, is thinking that important? Having faced death once, this scion would live a long boring life without any thinking. Anyway he could always hire people to think and that's what he did. His parents understood his feelings and left to enjoy his life. They were just as happy as he was literally creating money out of air.

The changes brought by Gamechanger was not much within the game. To be more exact, it did not effect the way of gaming. Instead, the changes occured elsewhere. Few conglomerates had sweeped in all livestream, short videos , free and paid videos..... selling and managing sites and brought them under one rule. And don't you know, when others imitated Gamechanger and had livestream or others, these conglomerates raked more money than they had spent for acquisitions.

These conglomerates were really ruthless, they did not even give a small portion of this big pie to gaming company.

Wait...why is this familiar? Did some character from other novel had transmigrated here?


No such thing. Remember the bodyguard? He and his twin worked for Gamechanger from long time. The accident? The twins blamed themselves for not being strong enough to stop it. So they dedicated their lives to care for 'young master'.

One would be incharge of his body, taking care of smallest needs. It did not matter if he behaved like a silly child. Anyway he was only talk most of the time; witness his little black book, he had never called a single person from that book.

The other would make sure he could play or enjoy however he wanted. The knack of finding spots to make money would not go even when he was not thinking. This twin, who ruled multiple conglomerates, invested completely based on his young master's whims and wishes. Why else would he still make money, if not for young master to play?

Anyway Gamechanger became regular customer for Royo's mercenary team and got scalped each time. To be more exact, Royo would keep on egging, increasing the competition and Gamechanger, who had no interest in such things would show the power of having bigger wallet and buy things.

The purchase power of that group was beyond imaginations. More than half of his taggers were silly kids, dying in fields was daily occurance for them. And each time, Gamechanger would pay a lot more extra to game so that revived players did not suffer from weakened state. And the way they used the weapons! Be it weapons or armour or other equipment, if it had durability, these players would abused them to such a level that they all turned into scraps. So all had to be bought again and again.

The leader, his cute lady friends and their sidekicks, all had to have highest level and highest tiered items. Thankfully, these people just leeches EXP and did not try dangerous stuff, thus these got replaced only if a better item was found.

Even the scions of richest families would wince at the money poured into game and they were playing casually too. They bunch of riff raff had no wish to dominate the place. Isn't having money enough to bully people?

Currently, Saachi and his party just had a small contact with this eminent persona, thus unaware of his purchasing capacity. When they learnt of it...well, it's in future, no need to wonder now.


Sacchi's morning was devoured by college. Inspite of potential money he had, thanks to various weapons, items or potions in the game, he still had to study and maintain his grades. His mother was getting better. His siblings were diligently practicing for college entrance exams. He even got extra job related to game.

Thanks to all the discussions he had with Bree, Saachi started his gaming time with a big step.

He made an anonymous post in college forum dedicated to the game, " Buying coins for cash. Only for limited time." contact info, again a bot reply service in game.

Money would be put in escrow account and players could convert their coins there. They could even write an IOU for small amounts but interest rate was huge. Bree would be incharge of putting money in to escrow account though. Saachi would get a very small commission. But that would be enough for subscribtion fees for game and pod, so not a small amount at all.

Saachi had a gleeful moment when he thought how he was stealing so much coins under the eyes of 'Minders'. The bot reply function was managed by Royo who was beyond wicked when scalping for money. Even if he got caught from posting, he could show the contract between Bree and himself, for advertising. It was 'Minders' loss for not taking the step soon.

It's not that they had not thought of it but the step was beneath this position in college. They were still gathering players, coins and related things would begin to matter when all meet and work together in the game. As it is, they just had bunch of their 'assistants' in different villages currently. Till town level was reached, but the amount of consolidation would not be visible at all. When they gathered at sufficient number, they would start to rule. That would not change.