Coordinated attacks (4)

Giant Sword (0%)

Strength + 25, Endurance + 25, Rage. Master this item to obtain its effects permanently.

Durability: 70/70

Rage: temporarily increases your physical parameters by sacrificing your spiritual ones. Your Strength, Endurance and Speed will increase by five points per level when this skill is active, and you will lose the same amount in Intelligence, Willpower, and Mentality.

            Jake nodded in satisfaction. He finally got the sword that he wanted. A two-handed one that was bigger than him, and it was also pretty thick. The skill that it would grant him was also nice, but it was literally a double-edged sword. It would make him suffer more damage from the effects of magic. Also, Flames of Wrath would be weakened while that stays active… as much as it is weird. Nevertheless, his fighting style will improve by leaps and bounds with that.