One out of three (3)

        The mission wasn't over, so Jake wondered what he should do… Leave with the treasure that the enemies wanted or complete the quest the right way? He decided to check the bag to help him with that choice, and then he frowned when he saw an unconscious white-haired rabbit girl and a sheathed golden sword. For whatever reason, Jake couldn't couldn't check the parameters of the weapon, even though it was clearly powerful. Something was very weird about that... why would they do such a thing as kidnap someone and steals a weapon when they destroyed the whole city?

"So, not only they are criminals, but they are kidnappers as well…" Jake thought.

    It was hard to tell the age of those rabbit people, but he was pretty sure that the girl was supposed to be a bit older than him. She was well dressed too, so Jake assumed that she must be one of the owners of the castle. The question again was… Why did they kill everyone and try to kidnap her and the sword?