Enhanced Strength (1)

  The orc tried to grab Jake's sword again, but the moment he touched it, the dark flames appeared. While they didn't cause as much damage as before, that annoying anti-healing effect still was there.

  The boss tried to pull the sword away from Jake, but then when the enemy began to raise him with the sword again, Jake grabbed some shurikens from his magic box and threw it on the monster's face. The beast was already preparing his sword to cut him in two in the air, but then it was forced to close its eyes and let Jake go in order to block most of those projectiles. The orc still tried to cut him down, but it only met his sword on the way and pushed him away.

  When Jake landed, he saw the monster bleeding a little on its face thanks to the Shurikens, but the wounds were rapidly closing. As expected, he would need to rely on his flames to counter that kind of stupid regeneration speed.