Against Numbers

Extreme Armor (0%)

A powerful armor that grants high resistance against magical and physical attacks.

Endurance + 40, Mentality + 40, Harden. Master this item to obtain the same effects permanently.

Harden: passively Increases your endurance and mentality by two points per level.

Durability: 100/100

  It was hard to imagine those guys wearing any armor since they looked pretty weak physically, so Jake equipped the item since it was better than his previous one. As expected, the feeling of new items being used was pretty refreshing… mainly because they didn't smell of blood and sweat.

"We are ready to move," Myrna declared. "The others will stay behind since we don't want to stand out too much."

  Jake felt that twenty people already was too much, but that wasn't an operation that he was leading, so he kept quiet and then nodded before touching the crystal.