Looking for them

"That is exactly how he passed away…" Arilene said while frowning.

"All right, you have finished your job. You can go home now," Karina said.

"Karina…" Louise said and then sighed.

"Since I know that those who have been behind the attacks are so close, I can't leave now," Arilene said. "You are going after them, aren't you?" 

  Jake closed his eyes and wondered what he should do. Considering what Frederick said, chasing those guys might give him some of the answers that he wanted. He was particularly interested in what Hugo said about their existence in that universe and the fact that they have no place there. Considering that Jake knew about the existence of an Earth there, it made sense.

"Maybe not," Jake replied.

You received a new quest.

Quest: prevent the rebirth of the shadow.

Reward: have all of your questions answered.