Stranded Alone

The entire arena burst into cheers and claps as they introduced the two most important children attending the event.

"Both Liana and Kaori are princess too yet none of their principals showed off. I guess that's the reason Issac and Albus get along." Risa sighed while watching the two children pop  up right beside Albus.

They didn't need any special entrance to tell the crowd of their presence as their principal had already done that task for them.

'So these are all those who will control the future of the kingdom.' Jason thought while staring straight forward.

The big screen from earlier had once again appeared for the audience to see the fight more comfortably.

It was currently showing the six gathered children who seemed to be the center of attention at the event.

Jason attention shifted from one of them to the other, lingering a bit longer on the girls as he checked their… appearance.