Two Vancouvers And A Syrward [Part 1]

[ Host, wake up… ] 

The next morning, the system had to wake up Jason itself. It hadn't realized how much time had passed by until it actually checked the time.

'What time is it?' Jason mentally asked, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

[ Ten in the morning… ]

'The fk!'

Jason tried sitting up but froze when he realized that something was pinning him down. Amber's arm was sprawled over his chest and she was sleeping peacefully.

Jason took a deep breath before trying to pry himself free from her grip. He gently lifted her hand off his body before sitting up.

'That was a new experience for me.' Jason thought before standing up.

The surprising thing was that despite the time, no one had bothered to wake him up.

Jason suddenly froze when a thought entered his mind. If Risa or Issac had come to wake him up and seen him in that condition…

[ Don't. Just don't. ] The system cut off his train of thoughts.