House of Lust

"This is the most important section and you are telling me I can only read two of them?" Jason asked.

[ I can't seem to be able to translate more than two prophecies. There around twelve prophecies in total and I managed to translate the first and the seventh prophecy. I can't do anything about the rest of them. ]

'I guess I will just see the ones that are readable.'


When the winds blow east to west, the king of humans will be possessed.

It will be the survival of the fittest.

A god will take his revenge. 


'Was that a… haiku?' Jason asked with a blank expression.

[ Dunno. This book is quite old so there's a chance that most of these prophecies have already been fulfilled. I mean, this prophecy could be referring to Julian for all we know. ]

'I guess you are right about that.' 


In the mirror of greed the spirit must see

The temptation it must flee.

Storms and screams will echo