Keeping the Enemies Close

"It's not," Ava answered almost immediately.

"So, you are indeed kicking us out," Phil said without hiding the disappointment in his voice.

"If that's what you think… then go ahead and think that way."

"You— " Phil clenched his jaw. "What happened to us being family forever?"

"We are still families Phil. But I am not putting you— "

"Enough," Phil said. "We are leaving tonight."

"I told Marylis that you could stay here for the night."

Phil stared at her for a long— long time. "You changed V."

"People change Phil."

"You used to be so— "

"Let's not talk about the past… alright?" Ava said almost gently. She cared about her brother. And that was the reason why she couldn't just stay with him. Once people knew that she was a Lycan's mate, they would surely go after her and the people that she cared about.

Was that worth it?

The simple answer was… she didn't have any clue.

But one thing was for sure.