A Dirty Rug

The Lycans enslaved witches.

This was just one of the many reasons why witches should hate Lycans. When the witches tried to revolt, the Lycans haunted them and slaughtered them like goats. Until now, witches had been suppressed by Lycans. So why would a witch want to be with a Lycan? The thought was simply too much to digest!

"Did you have to tell her that?" Lucille asked Kenji just as their car started moving away from the Logging company.

"Tell her what?"

"Those words… you know how villains always tell the protagonist the truth in the final face-off? Then they end up dead?"

"Did it sound like that?" Kenji eyed the woman sitting next to him. Lucille had been his secretary for more than ten years. They had worked together on the most controversial cases in the past and had developed so much trust towards each other.

"It did."