A Great Team

"That was a brilliant plan." Jude was beaming at her as they watch Kenji from the other side of the two-way mirror.

It was funny how Ava was sitting there a few hours ago. The situation changed.

Now, the one wearing handcuffs and an electronic leg brace that would stop him from using his abilities was the Deputy.

"The Executive Director is already on his way along with the Director."

"I guess we succeeded, huh."

Jude sighed.

"You don't look too happy?" Ava asked. "Was it that hard to put your own father in prison?"

Jude shrugged, but he said nothing.

Seeing this, Ava faked a smile.

"Betrayal… is hard to accept. Especially if it came from your family members." Ava said.

"How did you escape that explosion?" Jude changed the topic.