Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia, Canada

"What is this?" Ava couldn't help but stop herself from smiling. "A telescope?" She looked at the large telescope in Matthew's hand. They just arrived in a small cabin that Matthew owned in Blue Rocks, Town of Lunenburg. Lunenburg was a coastal town surrounded by nature and reserves.

Honestly, Ava hasn't heard of this town before. She was surprised to know that there is actually an exit of that Lycan's Plane in this town.

Because of this, the place has been guarded by witches and some Lycans, and even werewolves.

This is just a small town mostly known for its fishing and coastal sites. The people living in this place are mostly supernatural.

They just arrived a couple of minutes ago and before she could unpack her things, Matthew barged inside her room with a telescope.

She thought they were here because of the Werewolves?

Why was he bringing a telescope?

"I thought we could look at the moon together."