Research 3

"You were eavesdropping?" Honestly, Jude wasn't that surprised anymore. And even he didn't know why. He looked around and saw Matthew at the bar, looking for some wine.

"Not really… " Ava smiled. She bounced on the bed, pat it, and looked at Jude. "It wasn't called eavesdropping. I call it research."

"Please, you are starting to sound like him it's creepy."

"I'd say that man is very… very good. He could be the next president of the US if he wanted to."

"He's Canadian."

"I know," Ava rolled her eyes. Her point was that Alpha John could win the presidency even if he was not a US citizen. "Still, you didn't answer my question."

"Aren't you tired of hiding?" Jude suddenly asked. He went to the bar, got his own wine, and approached Ava. "Of being scared that people will realize you are different?"

Ava said nothing.

"Aren't you?" Jude said.