Killing a God 7

"What?" Baba's face turned even darker when she heard the news that Drigo's assistant just told them. The witches are outside waiting for them. "Why?" she asked. Those people hated her and surely they must have feared the Shaman's presence.

Why would they come here and talk to them?

"I don't know," Drigo said. He looked at the Shaman who was calmly reading a book next to the empty couch. The Shaman said he sent Ava to do something. Right now, there was only Drigo, Baba, and the Shaman inside the room. "Shall we go and see?"

"No," the Shaman said. "I refused to talk to other witches. And I highly doubt that they are here with good intentions."

"What?" Drigo frowned. "Perhaps— "

"No." The Shaman shook his head as he put the book down. "They do not support you and whatever it is that you wanted to do."

"Why?" he asked. "I am doing this for them… and how did you know that!?"