I Am His Mate 2

12 hours ago

Ava's POV

Ava frowned when she realized that she had been stabbed. She opened her eyes and wondered if she had died.

She felt the dagger reach her heart as her consciousness drifted away. She couldn't help but wonder if that was indeed her end.

Wasn't it too anticlimatic?

She hadn't even seen who attacked her!

Plus, she had a lot of things to do.

Just what the hell happened!?

Most importantly, where is she now?

She looked around and realized that she was inside a room— a victorian room? The canopies and the cloth drape didn't make sense to her.

She was no expert when it comes to interior design so she didn't know what century is the design in. But it reminded her of a princess bedroom. It was large— too large.

It was quiet and well— too peaceful for her taste.