Trials 5

"What happened?"

The moment Ava opened her eyes, she heard the Shaman's voice. She frowned.

"What happened inside!?" the Shaman asked for the second time.

"I— "

Ava got up. She realized that she was already inside her and Matthew's room. She was lying down. She fainted. She looked at her hands and thought of the last things that she could remember before she lost consciousness.

She could no longer feel Eve inside her. However, for some unknown reason, her chest still felt heavy. She felt a huge amount of resentment inside her.

Obviously, she knew this didn't make any sense.

"Where is Matthew?" she lifted her gaze and met the Shaman's curious eyes. "Where is he?"

"That place was fatal to Lycans. Even if his soul isn't really a Lycan, his body was. It was too late for us to realize that."

Ava said nothing in response. Again, she looked at her palms.