Erebus and Nyx 2

"What is he talking about?" Ava asked.

"I— "

"Tell her…" her father said. "Tell her that the cosmos would never let you inside a realm when you have your divinity with you."

"Is it true?" Ava asked.

In response, Matthew nodded without saying a word.

"Why would you do that?" Ava asked calmly. Despite her raging heart, she tried to ask questions, to hear his explanation.

"Tell her," her father said.

"Will you shut your mouth?" Matthew said. "You know nothing."

"Oh, I know enough," Ava's father snorted. "You were too rash… you descended into a body of a shifter yet you weren't able to find the relic that would complete you. I know that you have been looking for that since you merge into this current body. I know that you were forced to ascend to your divinity because you were dying. And I also know that once you have half of your divinity, you cannot be near someone who isn't as powerful as you or they will die."

"Is this true?"