Chapter 8: The New Rules

"Meet Scarlet Walker, the mother to my child."

As he completed his sentence, my heartbeat dropped for a second. My eyes snapped in his direction and met with his cold gaze, complimented by his smirk.

I looked down and took deep breaths. I was waiting for the reaction of the people in the room since the murmuring was completely shut down right now.

"But Mr. Xavier, you're not married and you don't have a child to your name," One of them — a brave one, if I might add — said.

He looked at the old man with knitted brows and I gulped some saliva down my throat, scared. I was feeling so overwhelmed with the current situation. Is that why he called me here? To humiliate me? Or to let everyone know this?

"Don't worry about it. You're just the first one to know. Soon, it will be on all the headlines. Right, baby?" His gaze shifted to me mid-sentence.

I shuddered and continued to look down. He came closer to my ears and whispered: "There's a thin line between life and death."

I scoffed and looked up. "Yeah, he's right," I said with a fake smile, making everyone shocked — maybe they were hoping that I might counter his statement.

All of a sudden, Xavier's phone started ringing and he groaned in frustration. However, he picked it up and after sharing a glance with everyone in the room, he walked out.


This is the perfect time to leave.

No, really. All this time, you never left. Now you have to leave. Be the good guy.

I stood in silence. The women in the room were the worst, continuously staring at me as if I were a whore. I didn't want to be so embarrassed, but I didn't have any choice.

"How much did he pay you?"

I heard one of the women and looked up. At first, I was confused — but then I interpreted the meaning.

I scoffed. "You know nothing about me. Don't assume!"

"Oh, I know exactly how people like you are. Get in the bed and rise to the highest post. That's what you do!"

I looked down and just scoffed again. I didn't want to give any validity to her comments by replying, but there was nothing very wrong with her sentence — of course, people would assume that after what he said and did.

"We don't like inexperienced newbies on the Board of Directors. So, either you get out of here, or we'll make you," it was the old man who finally spoke up.

I looked at him with an irritated expression. "What's your problem? Can't you mind your own business?"

Well, they didn't take that well.

"What can we expect from a whore like you? You're going to talk back as if you are on the same level as us!"

Okay, that hurt.

I closed my eyes tightly and didn't know what to do. I wanted him to come inside for the first time so they'd shut their shit hole!

"Oh, whore's hurt!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I felt a few tears threatening to come out, so I kept a hand on my eyes and ran out of the room. I kept on running like a freak till I reached my cabin, which was three floors down.

After I entered my cabin, someone followed me and closed the door with a thud. I looked back and Xavier stared back at me.

"What? Is there something left to do?" I asked with anger in my voice.

He scoffed and came closer. I took some steps back but he pulled me closer and hugged me. I was startled and tried to push him away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

He kept on hugging me. I sighed heavily.

"Who made you cry?" He asked in his cold tone.

"Doesn't matter."

"Tell me!"

"Well, you, for one!" I shouted.

His steps retreated and looked at me with fury. I scoffed.

"What? Should I kneel and ask you for mercy? You're a monster and I can die but never kneel to you!"


He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him loudly. I exhaled and sat down. I was pretty sure that I had just had one more mental trauma.

I went home early that day. Thankfully, I didn't have to see him again.



After pushing all the drama aside in my head, I was sitting in my cabin the next day at work. As much happy as I was being all alone, it was boring to do the same work over and over again every day — after all, it was a forced job and I didn't like my work.

I received an email from "", which suddenly reminded me of Jazelle — God! I left the company closed and didn't even go back!

I was kind of scared when I opened the mail, afraid that she might be extremely angry.

"Hey, Scarlett.

I realized that you didn't keep the bar open yesterday and it has not been opened today. Is something wrong?

We can meet up and talk about it. Give me a comfortable time, probably in the evening or night.

Thank you!"

I sighed. Well, can't blame her.

I replied.

"Hey, Jazelle.

I am really sorry for leaving it closed. Let's meet tonight at 7 PM at the bar, since it is close to my house and probably yours.

I hope it is convenient. Thank you."

As soon as I sent it, I got a knock on the door. "Come in," I said and kept an eye on the person — since it could be him.

Thankfully, it was an assistant. She helps everyone around here.

"Hey, Nancy," I said with a smile.

She smiled back. "Hi, Miss Scarlett. I wanted to inform you that the staff meeting is starting in a few minutes and the boss told me to make sure you are present. So could you please be there?"

I sighed. Of course. He wasn't going to stop there. He was going to tell everyone.


She gave me another smile before leaving the cabin. I sighed and wrapped my work of over twenty minutes within ten minutes, so I could reach on time.

After I was done, I made my way to the main hall.

The meeting started as soon as I entered. Almost every staff member was present, which made me more scared.

He saw me and looked away — thankfully.

"I am here to announce that as of yesterday, the Board of Directors was dissolved. Company decisions will be taken collectively by the staff member and Scarlett Walker will be the leader. Voting would be done on every suggestion given and suggestions can be given by anyone. You all can submit your views on the smallest to the biggest matters to her via emails and an electronic vote would be generated every day. Is that understood by everyone?"

I looked at him with a shocked expression.

I didn't even know how to react.

Dissolved? Why would he dissolve such an important organization?

And I am the new leader in all this matter?

Everyone seemed pleased by the new rules. And why wouldn't they be? They finally had a say in the company decisions.

"Scarlet Walker, meet me at my cabin." He called out to me, before retreating to his office.

I sighed. At least he didn't tell anyone else.

"Miss Scarlett, may I guide you to the boss's cabin?" Nancy came to me when I didn't move.

"Oh, no need. I know where it is. Thank you."

She smiled at me and I left for his cabin. Damn, why do I have to meet him so much?

I knocked at his door. "Come in."

His deep voice gave me chills. I shook them off and walked inside.

He looked at me. "Sit."

I took a seat across from him, acting naturally.

"Let's talk about Drew."
