Chapter 34: Smirks Travel

"I guess that is a challenge, my future wife."

The simplicity on his face made me scoff. He tried to take my hand but I jerked it off and took a step back.

"Didn't your parents teach you to keep your hands off women you aren't familiar with?"

"Oh, I am sure they would have," He looked back at me as he kept his hand back in his pockets. "If they weren't busy drowning in alcohol and being abusive."

Emotions flickered in my eyes for a moment. His parents were abusive? Alcoholic? Heartless to say, this seems like a plot twist in a cliché novel rather than real life.

"And if you think you can be heartless and emotionless like you want to," He took a step toward me while I looked down, "Then that's not possible for the Scarlet I know."

As he started to walk past me, I turned around. "You don't know me."

He stopped but didn't turn toward me.