Chapter 40: Fifty Shades of Scarlet

The room I entered after following him for a while was dark too. I looked at him and asked before entering the unfamiliar environment: "Where are you taking me?"

"Haven't you learned that I am not going to answer your useless questions?" He asked, stopping in front of me. Well, I wasn't that stupid to just follow him anywhere, at least not right after I had seen him kill someone. At least I had learned something in this hell of a life, although I would have preferred better circumstances.

"I have learned that they aren't all that useless. So, unless you are going to answer me first—"

"You're not coming if I don't answer you? Okay, go right ahead. Lose the only chance of knowing something about me."

"Well, maybe you will just kill me and bury me. You might as well have your own graveyard, right?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I promise this isn't it, though."