Chapter 44: Mixed Feelings

I was sitting in the room of my house, drawing some flowers that were kept in front of me. I had rediscovered my passion for drawing just a few minutes ago and I could not stop using those pencils in every way possible. I remembered being so engrossed with all the color pallets and dozens of pencils with a simple sheet of paper when I was little and it was so nostalgic to do it all over again.

"God, I have to take Drew to school today!" I kept down my tools as I rushed out of the room. Andrew was almost done with his breakfast and was already ready to leave.

"We will see what to do about the school," I said to him as I took a seat beside him. "I will try not to change it but you know that the school you are going to right now is very expensive. I am not sure if I can afford it. But mommy will try her best, okay?"