Chapter 50: The Goodbye

Scarlet's Point of View

I stood in front of another building of Valencian Corporation. It was a little smaller than the one back in New York, but it was still massive.

"You have a branch here too?" I asked him as he smiled.

"Just a cover. Although this branch does function." Holding my hand, he dragged me inside the company.

Everyone greeted him— and me, since they were aware of me too, now; as he took me to his office.

"So…?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Are you sure, Scarlet?" He asked again and I rolled my eyes.

"I swear if you ask me one more time—"

"This is serious, woman."

"I am serious too. Just show me, Xavier!"

He sighed and nodded. He walked towards the wall and I looked at him with a peculiar gaze.

"Um, what are you doing?"

He tapped on the wall and I was about to believe that he had gone crazy when the wall slided and a door opened.