Chapter 75: Truth Hurts... Literally.

Max's Point of View:

Scarlet was missing from my apartment, but I thought maybe she went somewhere. Shrugging my thoughts, I went to take a shower as I had a meeting with Shawn Cooper later. I was a little curious what he wanted from me, as he hadn't made any business contact in a long while. We hadn't talked since his wedding.

After getting fresh, I combed my hair and wore formal attire. There was still time, so I decided to call Scarlet—but it went to voicemail. I left two of them and then left for my office. According to my personal assistant, Mr. Cooper was already there.

"Hello Mr. Cooper!" I greeted as I entered my office.

He stood up with a small formal smile on his face. "It's nice to talk to you, Mr. Rodriguez."

"Please, Max!" I said, and sat down in my chair. "Please have a seat."

He sat down across from me. "So what is this about?"