Chapter 86: The Talk

Scarlet's Point of View:

"You hurt me so bad, Scarlet," He stepped back. "You made me believe I burned a fucking hole in my chest for someone who just stopped—who just stopped loving me. You made me believe there was no reason to go on. You could've killed me and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference because you did."

I heard him as I shuddered. His words were like daggers but I couldn't blame him for a single word he said, they were all true and I had deserved every last one of it. I was naïve and a lot of people got hurt, including him and my own son because I couldn't decide who I loved. And even if I wouldn't blame myself 100%, I knew in the end that I had hurt him for real.

"There's nothing you can say, Xavier…" I whispered after he calmed down a bit, "That I haven't already played ten times over in my head. I know I fucked up. I know I did it wrong, I know I am wrong. I just—I don't know what else to say."