
The mellowness of the voice was like a symphony, Valerian did not wish for this voice to stop. He thought, 'Who is it?'

The voice replied, 'Open your eyes, my love. You will know who I am.'

Valerian did not know why, but he felt an inexplicable trust in this voice. He opened his eyes slowly and found himself standing in a field covered with lush green grass. This place was exactly the same as the clearing where he found the carcass of the dragon.

He turned to look around but did not see anyone, the anticipation in his silver eyes was replaced with a strong disappointment. Just when he was about to give things up, he heard the same mellow voice, "I did not expect you to look forward to meeting me so much, child."

Then followed by the warmth of the voice, Valerian sensed the warmth envelope him. He was very happy, this warmth was similar to when Diligentia would hug him.