Inside the Palace.

Fragrantia walked outside the room with strong strides. She was wearing a white gown dress, her hair covering her back like a shawl. She wore high heels, echoing through the silent corridors. Behind her, Azula and Valerian followed. They might have a sense of presence, but the aura radiated from the Empress made them pale in comparison.

Azula gazed at the warriors at the door and said, "Why are you two standing here in a daze? Will you not follow my mother?"

The guards woke up from her daze and followed in a hurry. They did not understand why the empress left her lodgings, she has been confined inside ever since she was disfigured. They did not dare to question her, because even if she was disfigured, she was still the empress and her strength did not originate from the support of the Emperor, but from herself.