
Fragrantia and Valerian did not share the enthusiasm of the old man in front of them. Fallax laughed for a few moments, but when he spotted two people looking at him with an expression of amusement, he calmed down. 

Fallax said, "I accept this child under the tutelage of the Imperial Academy. He is exempted from the annual test." 

Fragrantia nodded and said, "Thank you for the exemption, we also wanted to keep this matter under wraps till Valerian gets strong enough to face the world on his own." 

Fallax agreed with this point, after all, the biggest obstacle was not a rival but a person with a poor mindset, who would not focus on his/her own growth but try to sabotage the one ahead of them. The old man said, "I will train him till he has reached grade five, and after that, he will have to step out of the academy and experience the world.