
Valerian looked at the shadows on the side of the table in surprise and asked with his hand signs, "What are you doing here?" 

Olivis said, "I came here to tell you something." 

Valerian was still somewhat in a daze when he looked at the flickering shadow on the table surface, he asked, "Why did you come in like this?" 

He obviously did not understand the need for Olivis to present himself like a shadow on the desk wall. Olivis replied with a faint sense of loss, "You are too young to see that the gifted people or even humans, in general, are a bit scared of us the 'Magicals'. Only some of us are welcomed while the rest are feared. Also, the feeling is mutual." 

Valerian was surprised to hear this, although he has read about this in the books, coming from a person and that too in such plain words made him realize how shallow his understanding of this matter was. 

He nodded and asked, "What did you want to tell me?"