
On the floor, at the spot where Fortuna should have been, stood a silver cat. Valerian was surprised, he had no idea how to explain this. He cast a gaze at Fragrantia, who stood there smiling at him. She said, "Yes, this was the trick I mentioned." 

Valerian asked, "This is her innate magic?" 

Fragrantia shook her head and said, "Dragons had two blessings, either an innate skill, for example, brute force, or they have innate magic. It is rare for them to have both blessings. This is mentioned in the book. Calm down first." 

Valerian sighed and found that he was a bit too agitated, he calmed his mind and said, "The book mentions, that the physical capabilities of a dragon are called innate skills, while magical capabilities are called innate magic.