The Royal Procession (2).

Valerian extended his elbow for the lady to hold. He had grown taller in the past month and almost caught up to full grown males in the world. As Fragrantia hooked her arm with his, the child asked, "Will the wedding be held inside the palace?" 

Vertex responded to him before Fragrantia, "Nope, we will be heading to the eastern end of the city, there is an old temple of mercy, where a priestess will be guiding the couple through it." 

Valerian was confused, although the reason was explained he still did not know what was the necessity of it. Fragrantia sighed and said, "It is because the temple is a sacred place. The order of mercy forbids violence until it is for self-defense, and they pray to Vita. 

It is said that if a marriage or any relationship is made under the eyes of the deity, it will last longer and the people will stay happy."