Outwitting The Emperor.

Valerian followed Fragrantia to his room and then he washed up while the lady selected a set of clothes for him. It did not take long for the boy to walk out of the room dressed in a coarse white shirt with brown pants with calf high boots. 

The catching feature was the dragon pin from yesterday was now replaced by a lily flower pin inlaid with blue gemstone, paired with the daggers tied around his thighs. There were six daggers until they were taken out of the sheath, the people will find them to be normal.

The seventh dagger was tied horizontally to his tailbone, this was a light element dagger. The two people walked through the corridors with a cat riding the head of her humble servant. 

Fragrantia had a faint smile on her face as she noticed the two conversing with each other throughout the way. However, what amused her was the furrowed and vexed face of the boy. She could guess that dealing with Fortuna was really difficult for this genius.