Turning Tables.

Ignis was standing in front of the assassin with a calm face, and said, "What would it take for you to give up this task? After all, you work for money, right?" 

The assassin nodded and said, "Your proposal could have worked in the past, but not this time. Apologies, your highness." 

Ignis shook his head and said, "Flamma Liga." 

Immediately chains of fire appeared in the void as they advanced to coil around the body of the assassin, however, was it that easy? The person vanished with a puff of smoke. It was not a spell but a smoke bomb used by the assassin to confuse the prince. 

The assassin was a warrior, trained to use the potential of his body to the limit. Assassins may be weak, but they were troublesome to deal with as they used trickery as a weapon to confuse and kill the enemy. 

Just as the smoke bomb exploded, Ignis turned around on his feet, and raising his hand he said, "Flamma Iucalator."