Lost In The Curve.

Valerian left the pavilion and came to the warrior wing to find Princess Morgana and Conixia, however, he found a clatter of hushed sounds in the air. The people around him were talking about how the prince of Centaur nation was defeated by a girl and brutally at that. 

Valerian raised his eyebrow in anticipation and followed the directions from the crowd. His speed was calm, and did not stand out of the crowd for being too fast. When he reached the so-called arena of the warriors, he found a girl and a boy standing over an elevated platform. A boy was kneeling on the ground with his breathing ragged. 

On the other hand, the lady stood with her chin high up to the sky and a pair of cold eyes locked down at the boy in front of her. She held a black whip in her hand and Valerian could tell that it was her weapon of choice. This whip gave a sinister vibe off it. He looked through the crowd and found Conixia.