Movements At All Sides.

Valerian was reading the book when he found something really surprising. The information he found was so shocking that he jumped to his feet and dropped the book from his hands. Priscilla was sitting at the side, also reading a book, was startled and asked, "Your highness, what happened? Are you all right?" 

Valerian pointed at the boy with a shivering hand but he could not make a sound. Priscilla rushed over and picked up the book, she decided to read the content out loud, "There have been cases when a few fated ones who have came across dragon carcasses and gained wonderful opportunities. However, the treasure and trouble lies together. 

Sometimes if the magic attribute of the dragon is too strong or if they die with a strong rage in their hearts, a part of their soul can also move on in the form of inheritance and latch itself to the heir of the magic attribute.