Remove Him? Can You?

Jamal Centurion had just woken up and he was washing his face when Snare appeared beside him. The old man asked, "What is it, that you could not even wait for me to dry my face?" 

Snare replied, "Your Excellency, news from Lumen." 

The old man nodded but he did not ask what it was and said, "You can hold it in till the court is in session." 

Snare wanted to say something but he calmed down quickly. He was now loyal to Silk. Since this old man was acting again, he did not want to go ahead and say anything. The routine of the day carried on as usual and after a couple of hours, the old man came to the courtroom. 

He took his seat on the throne and Ameer stood up immediately. Jamal asked, "Anything the matter?" 

Ameer was surprised and so were the rest of the courtiers. Ameer said, "Your excellency, are you not aware of the changes in the Lumen nation?"