
Morgana told everyone to look up and they found a huge bird to be circling overhead. The people were surprised to see a giant bird. It must be known that magic beasts could not get inside the city until they had a special tag of identity. Otherwise, safety will be compromised. 

Zeenat looked at Morgana and the girl said, "I arranged for a tag for him to get through the city easily, if he was delayed, it would be a shame." 

The people nodded, arranging a tag was not a big deal and with her influence, it was easy to do. The bird kept circling, and Morgana said in a loud voice, "My champion, the fourth prince of Lumen. Grade seven warrior, and an Archmage, Valerian Verus." 

The next thing people saw was a figure falling down from the sky. They were all shocked and thought it was suicide, but as the figure closed the distance with the ground, his speed suddenly dropped and the figure landed gently.