Magnum Magister Valerian.

The two people stood facing each other. Ignis was breathing heavily, as he was looking at the two of them. Libra bent down and picked up his sword from the ground. He was very surprised by Valerian's ability to maneuver around his attack and that too at a fast speed. 

Valerian looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Your sword is made of Mithril?"

Libra was surprised, and asked, "How do you know?" 

Valerian shrugged his shoulder and asked, "I have seen it before, a grandmaster in Calix City. He was awarded by the previous emperor." 

Libra recalled and nodded in affirmation. Then he asked, "How will you fight against this weapon? Do not say that it is unfair. A weapon is also a part of my strength." 

Valerian thought for a bit when Ignis mumbled, "Despite looking his valiant looks, this old man sure is cheap." 

Adele pinched Ignis on his shoulder and said with a glare, "Don't be rude."