Reaching For The Roots.

Valerian did not know that the three old people were calling him by that dreadful nickname, he just ran toward the enemy lines with two swords in his hands. The weapons were taken from the magical realm and forged by himself. 

The two swords were identical and their quality was outstanding. The enemy lines were alert, and when they spotted a shadow running towards them, the scouts took out their conches and blew them hard. The entire Valkyrian army was alerted, but when they found that it was just one person rushing towards them and that too on foot, they all chuckled. 

They were carefree in nature but they also had high threat perception. The society they lived in did not allow them to go easy. The scouts sensed that something was off, but when they saw the silver hair of the figure approaching them, they all picked up their weapons. The leader of the scout division yelled, "Stop there, do not come closer or you will die."