Interesting Encounter.

Valerian fell from the sky and took a moment before he figured out how to maintain his balance.  When he adjusted his position, he realized he would fall into the ocean if his trajectory were not corrected. It was not a good situation to be in. Moreover, the ocean housed magical beasts about whom Valerian did not know. 

One of the lessons he learned back in the academy was never to be overconfident. So, adjusting his body, the young man cast a few winds spells to propel himself in the desired direction. Then, as he reached the surface, he cast a few gust spells against himself to break his fall. 

Landing on the shore, Valerian heaved a sigh of relief. However, he did not stand up from the ground for a few moments. The fall may have been short, but it did consume his brain cells to figure out a safe way to land.