The Tyrant.

The words echoed in the void, and the people on the ground fell silent. The guards looked at the corpse on the ground and then at the black palace behind them. The guards could not help but shiver. 

Inside the palace, a man with a stalwart figure was sitting on top of a Throne, and after a flight of stairs stood four people. The words echoed in the void when the man let out a gentle hum. This man was dressed in red armor. The armor gave off a repelling pressure. Normal humans dared not set sight upon it. 

On the head of the person rested a metal helmet. His face was completely covered in it, except for his eyes. The man had deep crimson eyes. Even the four people standing in the court below the Throne did not dare to look him back in the eye. It was said that if someone looked him in the eyes, they would lose their soul. 

After the echoing stopped, the man asked, "Do I need to go out and check what the dragons have left here?"